The Bridge. La Labor, Gto, Mexico. Mexican Contemporary Oil Painting > 291519-8 | Main characteristics |
Width: 33" Length: 2" Depth: 41" Weight: 18 pounds
Our price: $445.00 |
In a very sunny day, it is time to bring water for the daily chores. The water creek is good enough for most of the house use: Cleaning, washing and showering. At the center of the view, the church raises imponent among the small town houses. The adobe houses are beatifully decorated with the red and purple bugainvilleas.
This Mexican Fine Oil Painting is a masterpiece by Luis Valentin, contemporary Mexicanist oil painter, the shades and light combination are just perfect and the tree shades are projected into the street as an invitation to take a break after hard work is done. It seems like you are walking by that creek and smelling the freshness of the bougainvilleas.
The frame is rustic pinewood; giving a touch of age and is brown finished; it measures 41" long by 33" wide; the canvas measures 30.5" long by 23" wide and the white frame is 2.5" wide; the main frame is 3" wide. This contemporary oil painting will be a highlight in your hallwall, living room or any place you want to put it! A unique gift for your loved ones and for yourself. This painting was done in 2004
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