Luis defines himself as a contemporary Mexicanist artist. Most of his fine oil paintings define the
Mexican architecture and its integration with nature with an extraordinary representation of light and shades.
From the streets of San Miguel de Allende, Gto. and its cathedral to Apaseo el Grande; from a sunflower to a
lily flower his contemporary oil paintings always have a magnificent representation of the landscape they are created and extracted from.

Luis does an excellent job in extracting nature characteristics and putting them on the canvas, especially with
the light. Take a look to our oil paintings exclusive collection and you will discover by yourself what we mean by that.
All our Mexican oil paintings are unique. It is an artist policy not to duplicate his oil paintings for an added value
to the existing ones. If he is ever asked to replicate an oil on canvas painting, he just takes the original one and changes
some features to make them not exactly the same.
Luis enjoys painting relaxing scenes where the shades and relief in landscapes invoque your dreams and bring joy and
peace to your soul and mind. Each one of the fine oil paintings promotes the love for nature.
You can browse the whole Contemporary Mexican Oil Paintings collection by Luis Valentin clicking