Mexican Talavera Tile, hammered copper sinks
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We thank you for considering our Arts & Crafts Directory a way to promote your business. Links exchange is a way to improve your search engines rank. The easiest and fastest way to get listed is to include a link to our website from yours. To do so, just select the text in the following box (press the button "select" to the right) and press "Ctrl+C".

Our Website Link Information

Paste it in the page where you are planning to link back to us, any of the following categories is okay for us: "Kitchen & Bath", "Home Decor", "Metal Crafts", "Ceramics & Pottery", or "Garden Accesories". It will look like this:

Copper Sinks, Mexican Tile and Saltillo Tile
Hammered Copper Sinks, Copper Kitchen Sinks, Copper Bath Tubs, Contemporary Mexican oil paintings, tin and Talavera Mexican mirrors, hammered and handmade copper vases, handpainted Talavera pottery, ceramic planters, Talavera sun faces, hammered copper plates and a wide collection of home decor and garden accesories.

Please follow the next basic rules, if you do not follow these rules, we will ignore your submission:

Only related websites will be accepted: Arts & Crafts, Home Decor, Home Improvement, Kitchen & Bath.
All links are subject to revision and accepted at our discretion.
Do not use ALL CAPS in your description and/or title.
Do not use marketing terms, superlative terms or anything dubious to prove, e.g. The most wonderful website you have ever seen!
Do not abuse exclamation marks, e.g. It is a unique website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do not use capital letter on each word in your description, e.g. It Is A Unique Website!

Now, we need to collect your website information. All the information with a * is required.

Website Information
*Your website Title: Max. 64 chars
*Your Links Page URL:

If your website is not Arts & Crafts, Home Decor related (i.e. it does not fit in any of the listed categories), please do not submit it. We are considering only Home Decor, Arts & Crafts, and Home Improvement related sites. You might suggest a new category if one is not listed here, but it has to be on these lines (Arts & Crafts related), otherwise it will not be considered for inclusion.

*Pick a Category:
*Website Description (Max. 255 chars):
Webmaster Personal Information
*First Name:    Last Name: 

You will be contacted if your link is not approved within a week; otherwise your link will show up once we verify that a reciprocal link exists in your website. Come back to check it in the selected category. Just go to our main Arts & Crafts Directory and pick the corresponding category. If we find our reciprocal link in your website that makes us link partners and your link will be shown at the top of the corresponding category in alphabetical order.

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